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Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Apakah Hatimu sedang Disemuti?

Selasa, Mei 29, 2018 0 Comments
Biasanya, semut itu identik dengan apa?


Makanan manis?

Hmmm... Ya, ya, ya. Makanya ada peribahasa "ada gula, ada semut". Tapi bukan arti dari peribahasa itu yang akan aku ceritakan lebih lanjut :p But before you read below, make sure your heart and mental are ready to read my 'ew' story.

Oh ya, kusarankan buat nggak makan atau minum apapun karena itu bakal memengaruhi konsentrasimu juga. Nggak mau kan, tiba-tiba kamu menyemburkan apa yang kamu konsumsi? :p


Oke. Selamat membaca!

Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

Wangkung Calls You!

Jumat, Mei 18, 2018 0 Comments
Hello, guys! :) Not so in the mood for writing, due to my much-tasks-to-be-done :p But well, let me tell you that somewhere in Indonesia needs your help.

Have you ever heard about Wangkung?


Wangkung is one of villages in East Manggarai district, East Nusa Tenggara. We realize this village has much potential things. The people to be educated, crabs (yummy!) and shell (ew lol) to be cooked and eaten, and its beaches =) But ironically, Wangkung doesn't have much access to help the children keep learning, due to minimum access of internet and books :( Plus, Wangkung doesn't have senior high school (SHS), which means most of the children will get stucked in their junior high school's education. Huft...

Open here
So, I and my friends in KKN-PPM UGM Wangkung 2018 are directing a donation :) It's just been started from two days ago (May 16th) until May 31st, 2018. We desire more people will donate in, or donating their books for the children in Wangkung. So, in case you want to participate in this donating time, please let me know! :) You can put your comments below this post.

Thank you! :)